Heralds: The Knights of the Round Table.Domains: Royalty, Narrative, Destiny, Weapons.Portfolio: Benevolent King, Knight in Shining Armor, father to Mordred, Big Good, departs to Avalon until he is needed in Britain or France, very popular character, owner of the Excalibur, pulls out the Sword in the Stone, really varied past, leads the Knights of the Round Table, Much Viler in Tales of Arcadia.Alignment: Ranges from Lawful Good to Neutral Good.His corrupted shattered sword (as the Green Knight) Symbol: The Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone, sometimes as one sword.Intermediate God normally, (Greater God as Saber, Saber Alter and the Green Knight, Overdeity as the King of Chaos).The "real" Caligari is annoyed with this while the insane Caligari is welcoming visitors to satisfy his ego.
Because his movie is the one that makes films grow into a valid art form, his temple received a lot of visit from many cinematic deities. Yagami despite Caligari with a passion due to his house holds the one montage of his breakdown when he is about to be arrested and killed by Ryuk, couples with the fact that Caligari's patient Cesare has similar looks to Light's enemy L and Ryuk. While Caligari promised to not use them for any evil purpose, they still uncomfortable with the montage's very existence. The most prolific figures are the ascended cast of Neon Genesis Evangelion because his temple holds the mad montage from them. Being the temple that holds the mad moments of quite a few of notable figures in the Pantheon, he has earned the ire quite a few figures in the Pantheon. Blaine has been trying to avoid the both of them ever since. Rick Blaine freaked out when visiting his temple because Caligari and Caesar are fictional characters in his universe. Caligari has less of a smooth relationship with Sofia Lamb, however, given that she is so evil that Caligari's "real" counterpart can't get along with her. She surprisingly bonds with the "real" Caligari during her saner moments. He and Harley Quinn forge an unconventional relationship because of the fact that they are. In the end, the Pantheon decided to let the two share the temples, with one alternate the other. With the reveal that all of his and Cesare's evil actions is in Francis's hallucination, the Pantheon is having a headache of trying to figure out whether or not to ascend the Caligari in Francis's hallucination or the "real" Caligari. That said, he thinks that Lambdadelta is an interesting friend for tea. Despite his job as a psychiatrist, he claims that the House of Ambiguity is weird, even for his tastes. Made his ascension with multiple posters stapled across the walls of the Pantheon saying, "You must become Caligari!". Complicated Relationship with: Sofia Lamb. Enemies: The ascended cast of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Light Yagami. Allies: Cesare (his minion), Harley Quinn,. Domains: Trickery, Darkness, Mentalism, Manipulation, Tyranny. XIBALBA HADES FANART FULL
Portfolio: The Circus, Brainwashed and Crazy Evil Minions, Madness Montage, Room Full of Crazy ( Trope Maker) is apart of Francis's hallucination, Twist Ending ( Trope Maker), making film a valid art form.Alignment: Lawful Evil according to Francis, he's actually Lawful Good.Theme Song: " Introducing Cesare " (shared with his minion /patient Cesare).Greater God in Francis's hallucination, he is actually a Quasideity.Caligari, Divine Representative of German Expressionism and Madness Montage