Wolf eel lifespan
Wolf eel lifespan

The special characteristic of the Wolf Eel is its gender specific coloring. They live there till the end of their life span. They build their nest in a crevice or a shelf or some dens or liar of a rock. They are found in rocky reefs or stony bottoms. When she's settled, the male coils around her as an added layer of protection. Beginning around age seven, the female lays up to 10,000 eggs at a time, then coils around them and uses her body to shape the eggs into a neat sphere roughly the size of a grapefruit. As they grow older, they migrate deep into the sea. Wolf-eels mate for life and the pair takes special care of its eggs as they develop. The young ones of a burnt orange hue and the adults are brown or green or grey. Young Wolf Eels, live on the surface of the water till 2 years of age, so that they get more air.

wolf eel lifespan wolf eel lifespan

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Wolf eel lifespan