I enjoyed the experience, it was a nice ride for sure. Over the years, the parks impressive arsenal of roller coasters has grown to include. I believe this could be fixed either by merging the assets by linking them, but apparently even after a structure has been build the assets will still be considered independent even if grouped up. During my first parks to which I dedicated hours of decoration, I was using so many assets with the Create tool that my park started flickering because it couldn't handle all the assets at the same time.

Overall everything worked well on PS5, but I did notice some dips when my park was getting significantly big, and after I finished my parks there were so many assets on screen that the frame rate dropped to what I would recognize as mid 30's returning to 50's when zoomed in. I believe Planet Coaster could benefit from an easy difficulty for kids since the theme is overall childish, but ends up not being so compelling towards kids outside of the create mode environment.

I did not find the game very friendly towards players unfamiliar with tycoons and it's not the lack of tutorial content, but the game itself demanding some management skills after certain status is achieved. It now features even more beginner tips for Planet Coaster. Unfortunately I believe Planet Coaster players will probably be a small niche of tycoon enthusiasts. Unfortunately I believe Planet Coaster players will probably be a small niche of tycoon Fulfilled the nostalgia I needed from such a game. Fulfilled the nostalgia I needed from such a game.