Microlepidotus is a combination of the Greek words mikros meaning ‘small’ and lepidotos meaning ‘scaly’. Oxyuranus comes from the Greek words oxus, oura and anus which, combined, mean ‘having a long-pointed tail’. The scientific name of the inland taipan is Oxyuranus microlepidotus. Rather, what is fierce is not the snake’s temper but its venom, which is highly toxic. Fierce, however, in this case does not mean aggressive. Photo by XLerate, GFDLĪ: One of the alternative names of the inland taipan is the fierce snake, making it even more fearsome. Q: Why is the inland taipan called the fierce snake? Photo of a Fierce Snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) taken at Australia Zoo.
It is protected by law and a special permit is required to capture it, as well as a separate special license to own it. However, it is considered as Near Threatened or Rare in Queensland and classified as a species of Least Concern in South Australia. Q: Is the inland taipan endangered?Ī: The inland taipan has not been assessed by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). They do not receive any parental care but already possess a deadly dose of venom with which to hunt and defend themselves. The eggs hatch after 9 to 11 weeks and the newly hatched snakes are around 18 inches long. They can produce two clutches of eggs in a year, especially if there is a lot of food. They can lay as many as 20 eggs or as few as 11, the average being 16. Q: Do inland taipans lay eggs?Ī: Inland taipans are among the oviparous snakes, which means it lays eggs, usually in burrows abandoned by mammals or in deep, wide cracks in the soil. The inland taipan is eaten by the king brown snake, which is immune to its venom, and the perentie, the fourth largest living lizard which can grow over 8 feet long, as well.

Image credit: Smacdonald, cc3.0Ī: As fearsome a predator as the inland taipan may be, it has predators of its own. A relatively effortless meal, don’t you think? Q: Does the inland taipan have predators? A mulga snake or King Brown Snake (Pseudechis australis), on the Western Cape, Western Australia. The venom is so potent that the prey has no chance to put up a fight and the inland taipan swallows it whole without a fuss. Now, this may seem dangerous since prey usually fight back. Rather, the inland taipan delivers up to eight bites in a single strike, then holds its prey. Unlike other venomous snakes, though, the inland taipan doesn’t just deliver a single bite and then wait for the animal to die from the venom. Like other snakes, the inland taipan is an ambush predator that silently stalks its prey and then strikes when the time is right. However, during drought, long-haired rats are scarce and inland taipans must feed on other rats, as well as mice, quolls, numbats and birds.

When there are plenty of long-haired rats, inland taipans grow large and fat. Credit: Ī: The diet of the inland taipan consists mostly of native rats, particularly the long-haired rat. Q: What do inland taipans eat? Inland Taipan Diet. The color change is an adaptation which allows the inland taipan to absorb more heat in winter and less heat in summer. It is olive-colored in the summer and dark brown in winter with dark, smooth scales arranged in diagonal rows. Q: How long is the inland taipan snake? Image credit: AllenMcC., cc3.0Ī: The inland taipan is a large snake that can grow up to 8 feet long, although most are between five and six feet long. It is mostly found in the semi-desert areas where it hides under rocks or in the cracks of the dry soil. In particular, it can be found in Queensland and South Australia, which comprises a large part of the Australian outback. Image credit: Taipan198, cc2.5Ī: The inland taipan can be found in just one country in the world – Australia. Q: Where is the inland taipan found? General range of inland taipan (in red). What is the inland taipan? Is it really fierce? Is it the most venomous snake in the world? Let’s take a look. Even so, the venomous snakes of the world have cast fear into the hearts of many throughout the decades, such as the inland taipan. That makes just about 20% of the entire snake population. Out of more than 3000 species of snakes in the world, only around 600 are classified as venomous. Questions and Answers – Venomous Snakes Of The World! Photo of a Fierce Snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) taken at Australia Zoo.